Here's What the Students Are Saying:
“Being apart of The LeSane Project has been a wonderful experience. Even though I came in already owning a business I have learned so much more things by joining. The field trips have been so helpful, meeting with different entrepreneurs who have been in the same position as me have been so inspiring and motivating. Without the help of The LeSane Project I may have never shown an interest or got the chance to meet young millionaires from my community. I would say the best part about this program is being an entrepreneur since it is an entrepreneur program, however, what I adore most is that we’re like a family and we all support each other. If I can describe the program in 4 words, it would be Loyalty, Growth, Success, and Love.
-Tyrone Copeland Jr.
“The LeSane Project has helped me in many ways. I came to Ms. LeSane with only knowing that I want to have a business that sells clothes and I told her that I have had this plan since the 6th grade. At The LeSane Project, I have had a lot of opportunities to get help with my business. For example, I have been on field trips and to meetings and I have met business owners who explain how they got started with their business to where it is now. I thought about leaving Ely after my freshman year but when I got into The LeSane Project I met students who have the same mindset as me and they accepted me. Before The LeSane Project, I thought no one cared but I found Ms. LeSane and others in the group who do care.“
-Angel Thomas
“Ms. LeSane I want to thank you so much you might not know but you have helped me in many ways. Before I met you and you started teaching me I had no clue what I was going to do after high school. You taught me many things how to become an entrepreneur and start my own business. I didn’t have the mindset I have now for what I want to achieve in life until I met you and I always knew if I needed good advice on something I can always count on you so with that being said thanks again Ms. LeSane for all you have done.”
-Altonae Blakely
“My name is Tatyana Chery and I am the president of The LeSane Project. I am currently 18 years old and a graduate of Blanche Ely High School. Before I met Ms. LeSane I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do; but, I knew that I did not want to work for anyone else. Since I’ve been apart of The LeSane Project not only have I been provided with countless opportunities, but I have started my own business as well as my own non profit. The LexVanity Collection is a social media based business selling high quality mink lashes as well as providing styling services. My nonprofit is known as The Cinderella Effect. I started The Cinderella Effect my 11th grade year at Blanche Ely with the help of Ms. LeSane and my teacher Mrs. Beckford. My goal was to send less fortunate girls within my community to prom by collecting prom dresses and giving them away . My senior year, I was able to take it a step further by providing styling services to the girls as well. I am also very happy to say that Ms. LeSane was able to introduce me to Dr. Will from The Will Make It Enrichment Program who has made a commitment to sponsor The Cinderella Effect for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Ms. LeSane has also connected me with a wonderful mentor named Leslie . Leslie is the CEO of So LadyLike Beauty Emporium and has been helping me by training me how to do hair in her shop as well as managing my business. I have met so many great people who help me everyday. With Ms. LeSane, and I can honestly say she has changed my life for the better. In my community as well as my family you aren’t taught about investing in yourself. Joining the LeSane Project has given me a whole new vision for my life and I am beyond grateful for everything that Ms. LeSane has done and
is continuing to do for me!”
-Tatyana Chery
“The LeSane Project helped me in so many aspects in my life. Being a shy unspoken person this program help me make so many friends and improve as a person. It helped me explore and see so many people that can help me in the future. Seeing how serious and persistent Ms. LeSane have been all school year have played a major part of my business, letting me know that I can also apply that same energy to mine. Throughout the program Ms. LeSane had been an amazing mentor to me. Letting me know that I can get through anything in life and that starting a business isn’t easy and it might start slow but it’s worth the wait. She’s also one of the many reasons that I have took a leap of faith towards opening a business and I am forever thankful for that. Thank you Ms. LeSane for running an amazing program and giving me the opportunity of being in it.”
-Darien Octave
“The LeSane Project was a very helpful program and taught me a lot about entrepreneurship. The program was the only reason I participated in school because it expanded my knowledge about how to become your own boss. When I first planned on opening my own business I didn’t know half of the important things I learned from the program. Ms. LeSane made sure that I understood everything thoroughly so I won’t have much
complications when it comes time to get my business up and running.
The program was very beneficial and opened my eyes to a lot of opportunities.
Thanks to Ms. LeSane I’m ready to take a few more steps to get my business started.”
-Alain Belizaire
“Because I was in The LeSane Project, connections of all kinds have come to my door. Every day I spent time with them I grow faster and faster learning new things on-demand to fit the task at hand. Each student within The LeSane Project loves her and she loves us back even greater. At the beginning of the year, all of us were at different levels. Now we ended off in the same place. Next year we are continuing what we started
10 months ago. See you there!”
-Jewvenski Fenelus
"It helped me get my stuff together, it literally gave me an outcome on how my future business will be. Field trips were great, informational, and fun. It felt like I was meeting my future self. It made me sure on what I wanted to do in life, and why I want to keep pursuing being a entrepreneur. It is the only club that really taught me about life, and a future career. Such a great program for kids who are thinking about starting a business, and Ms. LeSane is making sure we're getting all our information to help us grow in our business mentally, physically, and emotionally. She puts in effort and that's rare to find."
"The LeSane Project has been a big support for my business. Before joining the program I never knew I would even start a business, let alone 2 of them. The guest speakers and field trips really gave me an insight on how to start my own so then my ideas took off from there. I'm glad to be apart of this program and have the opportunity to meet new people and learn new things. The amount of support I receive from the other entrepreneurs and my amazing mentor herself is incredible. We grew from not knowing one another to being part of a family. This program has prepared me and is still guiding me in ways for not only for my business but for myself to grow."
"Being apart of the The LeSane Project was a fun and wonderful experience. I learned so much from the guest speakers that she invited. I really seen these great big people turn their nothings into great businesses. I learned a lot about myself and how I don't need to be confined in one thing, while pursuing the medical field it doesn't only have to stop there. The program has helped prepared me for the real world in some many aspects from networking, to finance etc. Even though I wasn't like the others with big business, this club has really given that boost in understand what I want to do and who I am."
"The LeSane Project really opened up my eyes to life and business in a different way my time being in the project just made me realize what it really takes to run a business and having a plan seeing so many other young entrepreneurs like myself pushed me and motivated me that I can do what I want no matter what besides the circumstances and just being in the midst of the other members of the program just brought me a different level of joy, laughter, friendship and I honored to be part of this particular program."
"I saw The LeSane Project flyer earlier in the year and believe it or not I was called towards it but I ignored the call. Then again in December I decided to take the initiative and followed the program on Instagram and continuously ask for Ms. LeSane to let new people in. Since joining The LeSane Project I’ve even doing nothing but shining and walking through new doors meant for me. It not only gave me a motivation but a purpose, because through The LeSane Project I learned so much about the community and about the young people that were raised in it and made it out the BIG WAY! Although I already owned a business joining The LeSane Project, it wasn’t my true calling. Going to the field trips and meeting with entrepreneurs just like me, I decided to take a risk and follow my true calling (SKINCARE), and it’s the best decision I ever made. But I didn’t only meet millionaires, I met and connected with future ones!! Knowing I now have a network with many up and coming millionaires fuels me and motivates me to go harder. I now support black businesses 100%, because all of my peers in The LeSane Project provide something unique. I learned a lot through this program, I learned “Your plan A, should be your PLAN B, C , D & etc because it has to WORK!” And that is the motto I’m riding with till the wheels fall off.
Thank you Ms. LeSane, forever grateful!"
-Faith Mervil
"The LeSane Project helped me better myself with what I wanna do with my life in the future. Every field trip was very inspirational and motivating for me because I learned off of everyone especially the story telling about how they started from nothing that made me want to strive even further and Ms. LeSane helped me get over my nervousness and helped me gain a lot of confidence with speaking in front of crowd and even though I didn't have a start with my business, I feel like next year will be even bigger for me with The LeSane Project cause then I'll be able to progress even bigger with Ms. LeSane help. Thank you Ms. LeSane."
-Joel Mitchell
"I love you Ms. LeSane thank you for you sacrificed time and effort into making everything possible for us and we will for ever be grateful for that God has something so special for you it's gonna blow your mind
and your haters as well."